our Roots
The Green Line Brand…What’s in the name?
Green Line spun from the outdoor interests of the owners and brothers, Brent, Chris and Joel St. Vrain. Surfing, fishing, rock climbing, hunting, and anything related to the great outdoors is their passion. When you think of Green Line, think of catching that next big wave in Costa Rica, or that next bite you worked so hard to get all day on the river, or the amazing climb you had while hangin’ out with friends on a beautiful day in Colorado.
Green Line Brewery…The place and THE culture.
The collaborative atmosphere at Green Line Brewery has brought repeat customers back every weekend for the past six years, many of which are now like family. There is a television behind the bar, but unless the Dawgs are playing, it’s not always a definite to be turned on. People are too preoccupied soaking in the moments together, drinking tasty craft beer while listening to amazing live music from the local artists around Georgia. You may find a patron or two taking a marker to draw or write on a featured plastered wall in the brewery which was once white. Over the years this wall has taken on its own life and is now truly is a piece of art that represents the stories of their customers. It is filled with phrases, conspiracy theories, initials, doodles, songs, and more from the thousands of guests that have visited the brewery.
The owners are constantly out on the floor getting to know patrons’ stories. People think of Green Line Brewery more as a niche community than your average brewpub. And the music scene there makes for a great experience. Hundreds of artists jump at the chance to play at Green Line. It’s because the musicians become part of the night with the patrons amongst them, bantering back and forth in-between songs and treating those performing as part of their night instead of just entertainment. Every night at Green Line is a unique experience filled with good times.This is the perfect place for generating visitor interest by going into more detail about yourself, your project, or your mission. You can talk about how your idea started, how long you’ve been working on it, what it stands for, and why it’s important. The more specific you are, the more visitors can engage with what you do. This is also an opportunity to answer any questions they may have about you or your work.